Photography of goods for trading platforms such as Amazon, Etsi E-Bay, Rozetka. We offer not only photography of goods, but also the development of ideas, search for props and locations, casting of models, processing of footage, as well as design with information graphics. This section is for those who want to get ready-made photos for publication on the Internet, prepared according to the latest requirements of trading platforms.
Do you do the Terms of Reference yourself?
Yes! We compile the Terms of Reference for the shooting and send them to the client.
So we seek mutual understanding with the client and agreement on the details of what the client will receive.

If you need a model for shooting, we will organize an online casting for you.
We will collect your wishes according to the model, arrange them in a beautiful post and disseminate them on social networks.
You can see the casting results on a special page created for you.
There will be models who responded with photos, parameters and prices for services.
As for the props, we expect that the props will be provided by the customer.
If we have in use some kind of props, then we will provide it for free for shooting.
In cases where the customer does not have the requisite and we also do not have it, we can find a